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WS01 – Posso scrivere in italiano

Languages, Italian, Years 1 and 2

By the end of Year 2, students use Italian language to interact and share information related to the classroom and themselves. They use cues to respond to questions and instructions, and use simple formulaic language. They locate and convey key items of information in texts using non-verbal, visual and contextual cues to help make meaning. They use familiar words and modelled language to create texts. 


Students imitate the sounds and rhythms of Italian and demonstrate understanding that Italian has conventions and rules for non-verbal communication, pronunciation and writing. They give examples of similarities and differences between some features of Italian and English. They understand that language is connected with culture, and notice how this is reflected in their own language(s) and culture(s). 

Communicating meaning in Italian | Mediating meaning in and between languages


locate, with support, key information in familiar texts, and respond using gestures, images, words and formulaic phrases

Communicating meaning in Italian | Creating texts in Italian


use words, familiar phrases and modelled language to create spoken, written and multimodal texts

Understanding language and culture | Understanding systems of language


recognise that the Roman alphabet is used to construct meaning in texts in Italian


  1. Responds to key information by drawing a picture to convey meaning. 
  2. Identifies the Italian word that matches the English meaning, for example, ice cream – il gelato
  3. Uses an article and an adjective to describe the noun, for example, il coniglio. 
  4. Uses modelled language to create text using learnt words.